Dennis Swayze

Membership Benefits

The Canadian Section of the Wildlife Society is proud to offer our members a diversity of opportunities that we hope you will take advantage of:

  1. The CSTWS Newsletter is published six times per year
  2. The Canadian Conservation News is e-mailed to our members weekly and provides our members with current news articles related to conservation and wildlife issues in Canada
  3. Educational Online Webinars for students and professionals to keep up to date on current research and training tools
  4. Job Board sharing current job and graduate student opportunities 
  5. Canadian Section Annual Conference where students and professionals can showcase their work, network and learn about current research across North America
  6. Travel Awards to TWS Annual Conference and CSTWS Annual Conference 
  7. Professional Recognition Awards 
  8. Networking with other wildlife professionals and students across Canada
  9. Mentor support for students and new professionals
  10. Volunteerism in chapter and section committees and Executive for developing basic experience and leadership skills 


Additional benefits are also available through full membership in TWS. Click here to learn more.