Current CAC Activities


There are five key activities that we are currently working on
  • Revised CAC Terms of Reference to reflect the new status of the CSTWS, and add clarity to the role of the Section CAC to the Chapters
  • Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Wildlife Conservation and Management (the top priority identified by our CAC for 2019/2020)
  • Chronic Wasting Disease (Another priority identified by our CAC)
  • Feral Hogs. This was not on our radar when we prepared our priorities for 2019/2020. However, in recent months there has been an increasing amount of news outlining concerns over the expanded range and impact of feral hogs in Canada - in particular from the northern states (MT, ND). When re-visited we decided that the CSTWS should voice our concerns/position
  • Conservation e-News. This is an ongoing weekly activity where wildlife-related and conservation news from across Canada and beyond is assembled and shared with all CSTWS members as well as Chapters and TWS
Past CSTWS Letters